What Do Possums Like to Eat? Can Possums Eat Human Foods? Can Possums Eat Cat Food? Favorite Foods

What Do Possums Like to Eat?

Possums eat different things like fruits, vegetables, insects, and sometimes small animals. What they eat depends on where they live and what type of possum they are. Here are some food items they like to eat:

Fruits: Possums enjoy eating fruits like apples, pears, bananas, and berries.

Vegetables: They might also eat vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens.

Insects: Possums eat insects like beetles, caterpillars, and grasshoppers when they find them.

Small animals: Sometimes, possums eat small animals like mice or young birds if they can catch them.

Nectar: Certain possum species, like sugar gliders, drink nectar from flowers.

Sap: Some possums feed on the sticky sap from trees or gum using their special tongue.

Human food: In cities, possums may look for human food like leftovers or pet food left outside.

Remember that possums can adapt to different foods depending on what’s available. They might change their diet with the seasons and what they can find. Sometimes, they even eat dead animals. If you give them food regularly, they might come to your place, which can have its own challenges, like dealing with more possums and potential pest problems.

Can Possums Eat Human Foods?

Sometimes, possums in cities might eat food that people leave behind. But it’s important to know that this isn’t always good for them. Here are the reasons:

Good things about it (Positive Consequences):

If you feed possums, they might come to your place, and you can watch them.

Not so good things about it (Negative Consequences):

Human food isn’t always healthy for possums. It can make them sick.
Possums might get used to getting food from people and not find their own food in nature.
They might start causing problems like going through trash or damaging things.
Feeding possums close together can spread diseases among them and to other animals or pets.
Some places have rules against feeding wildlife, including possums, because it can cause problems for them and the environment.

If you want to help possums, it’s better to give them natural foods like fruits and veggies in small amounts. But it’s usually best to let them find their own food in the wild.

Can Possums Eat Cat Food?

Yes, possums can eat cat food, and they may be attracted to it if it’s left out for them or if they come across it. Cat food is a source of nutrition for them, and they may consume it if it’s available. However, it’s essential to remember that while cat food can provide possums with some sustenance, it’s not their ideal or natural diet.


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